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Landscapes — All Plein Air

My favorite way to paint a landscape is sitting in front of it, balancing paper, paints, and pencils, surrounded by the natural beauty, as well as the heat, the cold, the water, the sand, the mud, and whatever wildlife might come through (or land on my painting). I can paint from a photograph, but love the fresh urgency of trying to capture the colors and forms outdoors before it's time to go.

Pt. Reyes

Pt. Reyes

A view of the California coastline





Kentucky Falls

Kentucky Falls

Waterfall near the Oregon coast

Waldo Cairn

Waldo Cairn

Waldo cairn

Joshua Tree

Joshua Tree

Pleine air watercolor on a cold day

All contents of this website, including art, copyrighted by Susan Jerde. All rights reserved. © 2020

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